const timer = { pomodoro: 25, shortBreak: 5, longBreak: 15, longBreakInterval: 4, sessions: 0 }; let interval; const buttonSound = new Audio('button-sound.mp3'); const mainButton = document.getElementById('js-btn'); mainButton.addEventListener('click', () => {; const {action} = mainButton.dataset; if (action === 'start') { startTimer(); } else { stopTimer(); } }); const modeButtons = document.querySelector('#js-mode-buttons'); modeButtons.addEventListener('click', handleMode); function getRemainingTime(endTime) { const currentTime = Date.parse(new Date()); const difference = endTime - currentTime; const total = Number.parseInt(difference / 1000, 10); const minutes = Number.parseInt((total / 60) % 60, 10); const seconds = Number.parseInt(total % 60, 10); return { total, minutes, seconds, }; } function startTimer() { let {total} = timer.remainingTime; const endTime = Date.parse(new Date()) + total * 1000; if (timer.mode === 'pomodoro') timer.sessions++; mainButton.dataset.action = 'stop'; mainButton.textContent = 'Stop'; mainButton.classList.add('active'); interval = setInterval(function () { timer.remainingTime = getRemainingTime(endTime); updateClock(); total =; if (total <= 0) { clearInterval(interval); switch (timer.mode) { case 'pomodoro': if (timer.sessions % timer.longBreakInterval === 0) { switchMode('longBreak'); } else { switchMode('shortBreak'); } break; default: switchMode('pomodoro'); } if (Notification.permission === 'granted') { const text = timer.mode === 'pomodoro' ? 'Get back to work!' : 'Take a break!'; new Notification(text); } document.querySelector(`[data-sound="${timer.mode}"]`).play(); startTimer(); } }, 1000); } function stopTimer() { clearInterval(interval); mainButton.dataset.action = 'start'; mainButton.textContent = 'Start'; mainButton.classList.remove('active'); } function updateClock() { const {remainingTime} = timer; const minutes = `${remainingTime.minutes}`.padStart(2, '0'); const seconds = `${remainingTime.seconds}`.padStart(2, '0'); const min = document.getElementById('js-minutes'); const sec = document.getElementById('js-seconds'); min.textContent = minutes; sec.textContent = seconds; if (interval) { const text = timer.mode === 'pomodoro' ? 'Get back to work!' : 'Take a break!'; document.title = `${minutes}:${seconds} — ${text}`; } const progress = document.getElementById('js-progress'); progress.value = timer[timer.mode] * 60 -; } function switchMode(mode) { timer.mode = mode; timer.remainingTime = { total: timer[mode] * 60, minutes: timer[mode], seconds: 0, }; document .querySelectorAll('button[data-mode]') .forEach(e => e.classList.remove('active')); document.querySelector(`[data-mode="${mode}"]`).classList.add('active'); = `var(--${mode})`; document .getElementById('js-progress') .setAttribute('max',; updateClock(); } function handleMode(event) { const {mode} =; if (!mode) return; switchMode(mode); stopTimer(); } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { if ('Notification' in window) { if ( Notification.permission !== 'granted' && Notification.permission !== 'denied' ) { Notification.requestPermission().then(function (permission) { if (permission === 'granted') { new Notification( 'Awesome! You will be notified at the start of each session' ); } }); } } switchMode('pomodoro'); });